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1st . Hadith Bismil-Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Account the Commander of the Faithful Abu Hafs ' Umar Ibn Al- Khattab ( Ra) : I heard Allah's Apostle (pbuh ) saying : "Verily good deeds are but by intentions and every man shall have as its intention as well , he whose migration was for Allah and his Messenger , his emigration was for Allah and his Messenger , and he whose migration was to achieve some worldly benefit or to take some woman in marriage, his migration was for that for which he migrated . " Bukhari and Muslim


2nd Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Also told 'Umar ( Ra) : "One day , when we were in the company of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ), a man with dazzling white dresses , and intensely black hair , which was not seen signs was presented to us trip, and none of us knew him. He sat before the Prophet (pbuh ) , and placing his knees against his knees and putting his hands on his thighs , he said: "O Muhammad , tell me about Islam " . The Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : Islam is that there is no more atestigües Truth Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah , you observe the Salat, you pay the Zakat , to fast in Ramadan and that peregrines home when you " the man said . ' you said truth" So we were surprised that he asked you and then tell him that he had told the truth, then the man said . "Tell me about the Magnet " He said : That you believe in Allah, his angels , his books , his messengers , the last day and to believe in the divine decree , both its good and its bad the man said . ' you have spoken the truth' , adding : " Tell me about Ihsan ' said : That you worship Allah as if you see , because if you do not see him , he will see the man said . " Tell me about the time " he said : the wonder does not know . " Tell me about its signs," he said : when the slave birth to her mistress and when you see barefooted, destitute , shepherds, competing in building tall it more than you know which question the man said buildings . Then (the man ) left, and I stayed a while . Then (the Prophet) said: O ' Umar, do you know who the questioner was ? I said, ' Allah and His Messenger know best . " Said . Certainly was Gabriel, who has sold to teach you your religion " Muslim


3rd . Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu'Abd -ur- Rahman ' Abdullah ( R ), son of ' Umar Ibn al- Khattab (Ra ) relates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: "Islam has been built upon five pillars that there more Truth which Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, observe Salat, pay the Zakat , the pilgrimage to the House and fasting in Ramadan . " Bukhari and Muslim


4th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Reported Abu'Abd -ur- Rahman, Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud ( Ra) : We have reported the Messenger of Allah ( sas ), being truthful , trustworthy : " Verily the creation of each one of you, meets in the womb of his mother for forty days in the form of a seed , then he is a clot for an equal period , then a piece of flesh for a similar period and then sends the angel who blows the spirit in him , and was entrusted four words (Cases ) : Write your livelihood , the term of his life, his works and if it's happy or unhappy ,by Allah, besides whom there is no other Allah, one of you work as the people of ! paradise until there is between him and this ( paradise ) rather than arm's length , then what is written reaches you, and work as the people of the (Hell) Fire and enters it . And other people you work as Fire (Hell) , until there is between him and this more than an arm's length , and then he reached what has been written and work like the people of Paradise and enters it . " Bukhari and Muslim


5th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Umm Abdullah ' Aishah ( Ra) the mother of the believers that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: "Whoever innovates is our business, something alien to it, will be rejected. " Bukhari and Muslim In another transmission Muslim : says "Whoever comes in a fact a way alien to us , will be rejected. "


6th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu'Adul Allah an-Nu'man Ibn Bashir ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: "Surely , it is obvious what is lawful and unlawful is clear , and between the two there are doubtful matters about which many people do not know . Whoever is saved from doubtful matters is purified in their religion and in their honor, and who falls into doubtful matters falls into what is unlawful . As the shepherd who pastures around a warren meadow , almost grazing on it. Certainly every king has his warren, warren Allah certainly is illegal , and certainly in the body there is a piece of meat, if you're healthy, heal the body , and if it gets corrupted , the whole body is corrupt and this is the heart. " Bukhari and Muslim


7th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Ruqayyah Ibn Aus Tammim ad Dariy (Ra ) reported that the Prophet ( sas ) said : "Religion is loyalty, said, who? " Said," A Allah, his book, His Messenger , the leaders of the Muslims and their people ' Muslim.


8th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn 'Umar ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : "I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no truth that Allah , practice Salat and pay the Zakat . If they meet this safeguard their blood and property of me , unless they deserve it according to Islam, and the reckoning is up to Allah " Bukhari and Muslim


9th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah Abdur- Rahman ibn Sakhr ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : " What I have forbidden , Disgusting , and what I 've ordered , I perform it as you can, because what ended prior to you were his exaggerated interrogations and disagreements with his prophets. " Bukhari and Muslim


10th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: " . Certainly Allah is pure and accepts only what is pure and true that Allah commanded the believers as well as ordered the messengers ' Says Almighty : "O Messengers , eat of the good and do good" and also says: "O you who believe eat of the good things that We have provided ' Then he said to the man who goes on long trips, disheveled and dusty, raising his hands to Heaven: "Oh Lord ! Oh Lord ! And his food is unlawful , his drink is unlawful , his clothing is unlawful , and fed with the illegal , how you want to respond? »Muslim


11th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

In a story Abu Muhammad al Hassan Ibn Ali Talib ( Ra) grandson of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : I learned memory of the Messenger of Allah ( sas ) : " Refrain from doing what offers you doubts and seeks to do what no questions arise like " Tirmidhi and Nasal


12nd Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : "One of the most beautiful ways that man has to practice Islam is to leave what does not concern him" al- Tirmidhi


13th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hamzah Anas Ibn Malik ( Ra) reported that the Prophet ( sas ) said: " . Neither of you is a true Muslim , until he wishes for his brother what he loves for himself" Bukhari and Muslim 


14th - Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn Mas'ud ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : "I is not allowed to spill the blood of a Muslim except in one of three cases: the married man who commits adultery life for life and leaving your community and rejects Deen . " Bukhari and Muslim


15th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : " Whoever believes in Allah and the last day , speak good or be quiet . And whoever believes in Allah and the last day , be generous to his neighbor. And whoever believes in Allah and the last day , be generous to his guest. " Bukhari and Muslim


16th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah reported ( Ra) " That a man said to the Prophet ( sas ) :" Advise me " replied the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) : ' Do not get angry . " Man insisted several times on your request. Allah's Apostle went to answer " . Do not get angry " Bukhari


17th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu la'La , Shadad Ibn Aus ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: "Verily , Allah prescribed benevolence in all matters , so if you kill a famine kill it well and if you slaughter an animal, degolladlo fine. So everyone sharpen your knife and do not suffer the animal sacrifices . ' Muslim


18th Hadith Bismil- Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Reported Abu Darr, Jundub Ibn Yunadah ( Ra) and Abu ' Abd al Rahman, Mu ' Az ibn Jabal ( Ra) that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : "Fear Allah wherever you are , and after a bad beam a well to clear it, I treat people with good character . " Al- Tirmidhi


19th Hadith Bismil-Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu al-' Abbas , ' Abdullah Ibn ' Abbas (Ra ) reported: " One day I was behind the Prophet (pbuh ) and said,"Young Oh , I 'll teach you some words : Save the mandates Allah , and you will be saved. Save the commands of Allah and you will find before you. If you ask for something, ask Allah , and if you need help , go to Allah , and know that if all the people gather to benefit you in anything, you will not benefit except what Allah has written for you, to hurt you and you meet in something , do not be prejudiced except in something that Allaah has written about you . The pens have been lifted and the leaves have dried ' al- Tirmidhi According to another version . " Safeguarding Allah , you will find before you, remember Allah in comfort and will remember you in trouble . And know that what has failed you could not have touched . And what has touched you could not have failed you . And winless with patience, relief comes with the trouble and the difficulty comes ease . "


20th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Mas'ud ' Uqbah ibn ' Amr al- Ansari al- Badri ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : "Among the teachings of the primordial prophecy that men have retained are : If you do not feel shame, do what you want. " Bukhari


21th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu 'Amr and Abu' Amrah , Abdullah Ibn Sufyan ( Ra) said : "I said :O Messenger of Allah , tell me something of Islam to not have to ask about it to anyone but you! . Replied the Prophet ( sas ) : " . Di believe in Allah , then leads a righteous life » Muslim


22th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Told Abu Abdullah, Jabir ibn 'Abdullah al- Ansari ( Ra) that a man asked the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) saying, " Tell me , if I did the five Salat , fasted the month of Ramadan, taken as a way of life I forbid what is lawful and what is unlawful without adding anything to this ? would enter paradise? Replied the Prophet ( S.A.S. ) : "Yes" " Muslim


23th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Malik al- Harith ibn ' Asim al- Ash'ariy (Ra ) relates that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : " At- Tuhur is half of faith ( Magnet ' AL - LI Hamdu LLAH " (Praise Allah ) fills the scales ' SUBHANAL - LLAH "and" AL - LI hamdu LLAH "( glory to Allah and praise to Allah ) fills the space between heaven and earth , prayer is light, and charity is an evidence , patience is brightness , and Karim is CORAN the argument for or against you. Everyone starts his day being seller if mism º releasing or condemning . " Muslim


24th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Darr Al- Ghifariy ( Ra) , that the Prophet ( sas ) transmitting the words of his Lord said : " O my servants, I certainly have forbidden tyranny, and have forbidden among you,so, do not be unfair ! with each other "" Oh my servants . 're all lost , except the one whom I have led . So , ask my guide, and will bring you "" Oh my servants : . Everybody is hungry except the one whom I fed him . So , ask me food and I will feed you "" Oh my servants : . 're All naked, except such to whom I have given him to wear. So , ask me dress and give you clothing "" Oh my servants : . Ye commit error night and day and I forgive all sins. So ask forgiveness of Me, and I forgive you "" Oh my servants : . . Not attain my injury to you injure me , nor will reach my benefit to benefit me "" Oh my servants : If the first of you and the last , and human and jinn were as pious as the most pious heart of a man you would not add anything to my kingdom " " Oh my servants . If the first of you and the last , and human and jinn were as the most libertine libertine heart of a man of you , there would decrease my kingdom in anything "" Oh my servants . If the first of you and the last, and the humans and the jinn were together on the same land , asking me and giving it to each his request , there would decrease anything I have , except that the sea would decrease if a needle is inserted into him " " Oh my servants . certainly are your works, that you calculation, and then the reward you . Who is right, who praise Allah, and whoever finds otherwise , not only to reproach himself. " Muslim


25th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahimAbu Darr (Ra ) reported that some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) said to the Prophet (pbuh ) : "O Messenger of Allah, the rich have been the rewards make the Salat as we do , they fast as we fast , and charity spends what spare their property . Replied the Prophet ( sas ) : "Does , Allah will put nothing to spend it on charity, for each ' Tasbihah " is charity, every " Takbirah " is charity, every " Tahmidah " is charity, every " Tahlilah ' is . charity , order good deeds is charity , and forbidding the evil deeds is charity ; addition , every sexual act there is one of you love " They said: O Messenger of Allah, one of us ? satisfying his desire, deserve a reward? Replied the Prophet ( sas ) : . Perhaps , if illicitly satisfies not commit a foul, as well , if legally meets will be rewarded " Muslim


26th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said : " Every last little bone that a man has , to do charity every day the sun rises : doing justice between two people is charity, help a man to charge you upload your saddle or your luggage on top of it is charity, every step you walk to go to charity and prayer remove the damage the road is charity. " Bukhari and Muslim


27th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

An- Nau- Was Ibn Sam'an ( Ra) reported that the Prophet ( sas ) said : " The virtue lies in good behavior , and evil is what stirs within you and do not like people to discover »Muslim Ibn Wabisah Ma'bad ( Ra) reported that the Prophet ( pbuh) said . " Do you come to inquire of virtue " If I said ? . . He said: " Consult your heart and virtue is that with which the person feels calm, and evil is what is removed within the person hesitates chest , despite what people may think . " Ibn Ahmad Hanbal and al- Darimi


28th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Nayih to ' Ibn Irbad Sariah (Ra ) said: The Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) has given us an exhortation by which hearts trembled and eyes wept . Ohsaid . Messenger of Allah, like a farewell address , so advise us . The Prophet (pbuh ) replied, " I advise you to fear Allah ( subhana wa ta'ala ) , to hear and obey even if a slave shall govern because of you who live vera many discrepancies . So follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of rashidum caliphs who follow the path straight , hold fast to them , Beware of new things , because novelty is a bid'a , and every innovation is misguidance , and every deviation will end in Yaganna . »Abu Da'ud and al- Tirmidhi


29th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

In a story Mu'ad Ibn Jabal (Ra ) said: " I said : O Messenger of Allah , which brings me to the garden work and me away from the fire." Replied the Prophet ( sas ) : "You have asked something that is easy for him whom Allah makes it , do not associate anything with Allah , observe Salat, pay the Zakat , fasting in the month of Ramadan , pilgrimage to the House » . Then he said : " I ​​want to teach you the gates of goodness : fasting is protection and charity off faults as water extinguishes fire, the prayer of the man in the womb of the night." Then he recited the following Sura : it AWAY THEIR SIDES OF BED FOR CALLING YOUR LORD WITH FEAR AND HOPE YOU AND DAN We provided . NOBODY KNOWS THE COMFORT THEM IS RESERVED IN REWARD FOR WHAT THEY DO "(Qur'an 32: 16-17). Then said : " Do you want me to tell you what is the head of the matter, its pillar and its peak ? ' . I said, " Of course , Messenger of Allah ." He said : "The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its top is Jihad . " Then he said, ' Do not you wish to report the basis of all this? '. I said, " Of course , Messenger of Allah ." Then he took his tongue and said : " It controls this." I said : O Prophet of Allah, will we be reproached for what we talked about ? . He said : "May your mother weep over you Mu'ad Oh , Do not be hasty to fire the head men , by the mere fact of having uttered slanders ? " Al- Tirmidhi .


30th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu al- Jushani Za'laba , Ibn Yurzum Nashir (Ra ) reported that the Messenger of Allah pbuh) said : "Verily , Allah ( subhana wa ta'ala ) has prescribed duties , not neglect , has limits , not sobrepaséis , forbidden things, do not transgress them and kept silent about things out of mercy for you and not forgetting, not seek . " al- Duraqutniy


31th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu al-' Abbas Sahl ibn Sa'd As- Sa'idi (Ra ) reported that : " A man came to the Prophet (pbuh ) and said : O Messenger of Allah, direct me a fact that if I did I would love Allah and I love the people . The Prophet (pbuh ) said : " . Be detached world Allah will love you and not want what people have and people will love you ' Ibn Majah


32th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Sa'id Sa'd ibn Malik ibn Sinan al- Khudri (Ra ) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: " Do not do evil and do not pay back evil for evil." Ibn Majah and Ad- Daraqutni


33thHadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn'Abbas (Ra ) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: " If you would satisfy the demands of the people , some require the property and lives of others. Therefore the applicant must provide proof and the defendant must swear to his innocence . " Al- Baihaqui


34th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

In a story Abu Sa'id Al- Khudri ( Ra) said : I heard the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) saying : "Whoever of you sees an evil action , to intervene with his hand, if he can not intervene , condemning him his tongue , and if he could not with his tongue, then disapprove in his heart , and this is the lowest manifestation of faith. " Muslim


35th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: "Do not envy , others do no wrong , do not hate each other , do not turn your back , not should harm others in sales. Behave like brothers , O servants of Allah . The Muslim is the brother of a Muslim should not be unfair to him or leave him , do not lie or despise . Herein lies the pity ( taqwaa ) , pointing to his chest three times. I despise his Muslim brother is taken into account as an evil. Every Muslim is sacred to another Muslim , . Their blood their property and their honor ' Muslim


36th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah (Ra ) reported that the Prophet ( sas ) said: " Whoever relieves a believer from an affliction of this world, Allah will relieve his distress on the Day of Resurrection. Who supports you by providing a needy , Allah will help him in this life and the next . One who protects a Muslim will be protected by Allah in this life and the next . Allah always succor your server , whether it be helping his brother. Whoever travels a path seeking knowledge therein , Allah will provide a path to Paradise. When a group of people gather in a house consecrated to Allah , reciting the Book of Allah (the Qur'an al Karim ) and studying the Sakina immediately descends upon them, mercy covers them , the angels surround them and Allah mentions them to those who are close to Him, the nobility of their ancestors will be of no help on Ajira . »Muslim


37th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn ' Abbas ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said, referring to the words of his Lord ( subhana wa ta'ala ) : "Verily Allah has written good and bad actions , then clarified this: Who set out to do a good deed , and then did not do it , Allah has written for him a good deed as if he had done , and if he tried to do and did it, Allah has written for him from ten to seven hundred good deeds and even more , and if you tried to do a bad deed and has not carried out , Allah has written for him a good deed as if he had made ​​, and if attempted and then did it, Allah has written one bad deed . " Bukhari and Muslim


38th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Hurairah ( Ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: " Allah ( subhana wa ta'ala ) has truly said : I declare jihad on him who attacks one of My Friends ( waly ) . The most excellent way that My server has to approach me is to fulfill the obligations that I have commissioned you . My server is constantly approaches Me through meritorious deeds until I love him as I love him , I am his hearing through which hears . I am his hearing through which perceived. And I'm his tongue with which he speaks , and I am his hand that catches , I am his foot with which he walks . And if I requested, I will certainly grant you what you ask , and if it seeks refuge in Me, I will surely remember my protection. " Al- Bukhari


39th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn ' Abbas (Ra ) reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said: " Thanks to me , Allah forgave my people the faults committed in error, forgetfulness or neglect and what they have done under duress. » Ibn Majah and al- Baihaquí


40th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Ibn ' Umar (Ra ) reported that the Messenger of Allah ( pbuh) took him by the shoulder and said, " It is in this life as if you were a stranger or someone who will pass . " Ibn' Umar (Ra ) said : " If you reach the evening, do not expect it to arrive in the morning. And if you arrive in the morning do not expect to reach the evening. Reserve your health when you're sick , save your life when you're dead . " Bukhari


41th Hadith Bismil -Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Abu Muhammad ' Abdullah Ibn Ibn'Amr Al'As ( Ra) reported that Allah 's Messenger (pbuh ) said : " . None of you believes until he submitted his passions to what I brought " Kitab al Hujjah { work composed by Abu Al Qasim Isma ' il ibn Muhammad al Isfahani died in 535 AH ( 1137 AD) }


42th Hadith Bismil - Lahir - Rahmanir - rahim

Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuh ) said, referring to the words of his Lord ( subhana wa ta'ala ) : " Allah ( subhana wa ta'ala ) said: O son of Adam , if you summon me and beg me I'll forgive the faults and comets do not care. O son of Adam but your faults alcanzasen the top of the sky and then asked me for forgiveness , I will forgive . O son of Adam , though I vinieses faults with the size of the Earth and then to stand before Me without having associated anything , I will give equally forgiveness. ' At- Tirmidhi


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