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Muhammad was born in Mecca and died in Medina in the year 632 , is the founding prophet of Islam. His full name in Arabic is Abu l -Qasim Muḥammad ibn ʿ Abd Allāh al- Hashimi al- Qurayšī of that hispanicised its colloquial name Muhammad ( محمد ) or Prophet Muhammad , Muhammad is obtained. According to Islam , Muhammad is considered " the seal of the prophets" as the last of a long chain of messengers sent by God to its message , which is essentially the same as would have transmitted their predecessors , among Ibrahim (Abraham ) , Musa (Moses ) and Isa (Jesus ) would be counted .


The central idea of Islam is contained in a single sentence : . . " There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet '' It can be Muslim just accept and repeat this simple phrase Islam believes in the omnipotence and divine predestination. 's all determined by the divine will. man must realize the aims of Allah and accept Kismet , fate .


Islam forbids the use of image representation and the object of adore. The association of images with God or the prophets is a way to create idols. So reject the use of images and representations, Muslims are against the depiction of Muhammad, out of respect for their original nature and his true identity, as well as being a risk of venerating an image, instead of extolling his spirit and teachings.


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Islamic art is usually not Muhammad, and when it has (in some medieval Oriental illustrations of the fifteenth century) is in most cases with the veiled face.






By hadith accounts of the life of Prophet Muhammad ( sas ) , whether his words, describing their acts or their reactions to the acts of his disciples are known. The hadiths comprise the Sunnah which is the conduct and behavior of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) . The hadith transmitted by oral tradition , through a chain ( Silsilat ) rapporteurs who testified that the transmission and tradition were valid ( riwayah ) . This chain of transmission is called isnad which gives legitimacy to the hadith , it contained precisely the genealogy of the chain of transmitters. The Sunnah becomes a complement to the Qur'an al-Karim , shedding light on how to behave in daily life of Muslims. The Koran itself to Karim recalls the legal significance of Hadith in several of his verses , "Obey Allah and His Messenger " 4:58 , " ... what the Messenger brings you accept it and abstain from what I forbid " 53: 3-4 The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) did not speak on a whim , his words as those of the earlier prophets were inspired by Allah, so they were welcomed by the Muslim community as an expression of the will of Him who sent him There were cases in which the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) decided for himself on some issues using common sense without being inspired , in cases where the decision was not the right one , it appeared a new revelation that corrected the Prophet Muhammad ( sas ) Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) received some revelations from Allah through dreams or inspirations that were transmitted to the Muslims, these accounts are called hadith qudsi


The importance of the hadith is that the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) not only teach, but was able to develop his prophetic activity in the midst of a community of believers. In life the Prophet Muhammad ( sas ) script disallowed his teachings especially the danger posed to be confound with the Qur'an al-Karim , placing at the same height , but his closest companions wrote many of their traditions , Today days it is found that about fifty companions of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) met Sahaabah or hadith. This approach of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) was intended to preserve the original message of the Qur'an al-Karim and channeling the early Muslims who were eager to know the sources of their Deen , that oral traditions do not lead to misinterpretations and ravings . This situation would remain with the first caliphs . The Caliph 'Umar did not see fit eg encode the hadith , because he thought the new Muslims could leave the supreme revelation of Quran Karim for the stories of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh ) so no works were written in the hadith first two centuries of the Muslim state


The hadith and wine, to complete the great statements of the Qur'an al-Karim , teaching model behavior that must take every good Muslim throughout his life. The hadith is composed of two parts ( isnad or sanad ) genealogy in which the transmission line is reported that some of the Prophet Muhammad ( sas ) and from the sahaba who registered is very important to the biography of the members of the transmission chain , as detected if someone unworthy conduct , the string was invalid. The other part of the hadith is the text ( Matn ) that may present contradictions between different authors, but never in their meaning The hadith were compiled into collections called Musannafat , the most famous were Bukhari and Muslim, each performed a Sahih or collecting four other collections are called Sunan and their authors were Abu Dawud , Thirmidhi , ibn Majah and Nisa'i Muslims never mentioning the name of the Prophet without accompany of blessings, he himself stated in a hadith was transmitted by Abu Huraira : " Do not make my grave a place of festivities, but ye invoke blessings upon me, for your blessings reach me from wherever you are " Blessings are indicated by the abbreviations in brackets ( sas ) Salla llahu ' alaihi wa sallam meaning " peace and blessings of Allah fall on him." Esteem for the Prophet's companions also requires that after his name also appears in parenthesis an abbreviation in this case ( Ra) radiallahu 'anhu which means "Allah be pleased with him ( ' anhu ) or she ( anha )


Numerous authors composed about forty hadith collections , this formula was widespread, as a compendium of the Sunna was offered a popular and easy distribution work. The origin of these collections is in a hadith in which the Prophet (pbuh ) said : "Whoever preserves for my community forty hadiths regarding your Din, will be placed by Allah in the company of jurists and scholars , the resurrection Day "



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